Welcome back friends! It is time to get back to our routine and back to learning!

We had an amazing first week at Mountain View in 5th grade! We worked on morning meeting routines and building community. We started building our reading stamina and created our personal book boxes. We started working with our math facts and created “Figure me Out” math posters. We spent some time working with our art supplies by creating name glyhps. We went on a treasure hunt around our classroom to find essential school supplies! We created classroom norms and expectations for each other. We learned about good and bad consequences and 7UP sentences in a writing exercise! Be sure to ask my students about this experience! We worked in groups to perform the Marshmallow Challenge. We reflected on our week and added our thoughts to our Classbook Page.

Completed book boxes
Filling book boxes
Working on Name Glyphs
Room 18 Classroom Norms Selected by students

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Marshmallow Challenge Winner! 17 inches tall!


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7UP Writing – Good and Bad Consequences!

Room 18 Classbook


Wow! What a week! What was your favorite part of week 1 at your school?


Welcome to FIFTH Grade!


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